Digital Photography – Advanced

One-to-one Lesson
From € 42

The course is targeted at all the art passionate, at those who already operate inside the cultural system and want to expand their competences, at professionals who want to move on from their own branch of work to the one of the image and art. The course provides the starting elements to comprehend the context of contemporary photography, in order to approach adequately artistic events of today, be able to choose the collocation for a potential personal path or even just to comprehend the role and the value of an art work in today’s society. The path is built by: the latest photography and contemporary art trends, artistic research and planning phase, the new expository systems, technical editing of images and of one’s personal portfolio – an overview of the main festivals, magazines and realities tied to the context of art – some notions about specialized publishing and the artist’s book. The course offers the possibility of entering into a heterogeneous dimension of photography and art, offering to the students the acquisition of fundamentals tools to start a self-aware path in the area of contemporary and historicized image and the more recent one. During the duration of the course thematic booklets regarding all the topics covered, readings to examine in depth the themes, bibliography and specific comparisons related to the student’s individual necessities will be delivered to the students. In particular, the course will be structured on the student’s specific necessities on the base of the direction the student strives for the most. The course plans review and exercise lessons and the comparison of material made by the student during the time span of the lessons.

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