Offering for You and your Family   

Family Pack

This formula is designed to give all family members the opportunity to try different disciplines in absolute flexibility. In fact, it will be possible to choose different subjects among the macro areas and compose your own mix of 5 lessons.
The family pack will allow, for those who are undecided about which activity to deepen, to try more than one with different teachers and choose the one closest to their desires, also obtaining a price advantage compared to the purchase of the single lesson.

Lessons Pack
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Family Pack

This formula is designed to give all family members the opportunity to try different disciplines in absolute flexibility. In fact, it will be possible to choose different subjects among the macro areas and compose your own mix of 5 lessons.
The family pack will allow, for those who are undecided about which activity to deepen, to try more than one with different teachers and choose the one closest to their desires, also obtaining a price advantage compared to the purchase of the single lesson.

Lesson Pack

This solution is designed for those who have a clear discipline to devote themselves to and intend to give continuity to their learning path.

The package consists of 5 lessons of the selected subject and guarantee a price advantage over the purchase of the single lesson.

Lessons Pack mobile
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   For students and Over 65    

Individual lessons of 30 minutes
For students and Over 65

This solution is designed to offer students up to 25 years old and over 65 the opportunity to participate in lessons at an affordable price and experiment with different disciplines at an affordable price, choosing from music and singing courses.

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   Offering for Theatres, Music Schools and Corporates   

LiSA for Theatres

Waiting for the live events to resume at full speed in all venues worldwide, LiSA offers to theatres the opportunity to present their subscribers and customers with a range of activities very similar to the world of entertainment: acting lessons, singing and of musical instruments.

Theatres will have access to LiSA with two levels of customization; a simple and completely free first release and a more sophisticated second release in which the platform's 'look and feel' will be graphically aligned with the theatre's official website and the disciplines can also be enriched with activities of specific local interest.

Corporate Opportunities

LiSA offers the opportunity to donate its best customers and / or employees lessons from specific disciplines, subject matter packages or combined packages from different disciplines. The flexibility of the offer allows us to satisfy the most varied needs starting from those of a family up to those of individuals.

Corporate organization will be able to stay close to their customers or employee in total safety guaranteeing them an excellent and fun services. It is also possible to customize the interface with the corporate partner's 'look and feel', creating a graphic environment in continuity with the corporate lines.

Offering for Music Schools

Waiting for the live lessons to resume LiSA offers the opportunity for music schools to use their own booking interface, personalized with the school logos, inserting the disciplines taught, registering their teachers and students and managing everyone's agendas the teachers.

The schools will also have access to all the complementary disciplines present on LiSA and not available at their school.

Contact us now!

You can contact us using our form and you will soon be called back to evaluate your needs together as a School, Theater or Company.

The LiSA’s team will guide you in the definition of the project and in the realization of your customized platform.