Terms of service

General conditions of the online lessons sales distance contract

“Customer”, the private individual that purchased the lessons online according to the information and conditions expressed in this contract and in the descriptive cards available on the www.lisa-hub.com website, to be understood as an integral part of the contract itself;
“Distance contract”, that contract concluded between the Producer and the Customer without the physical and simultaneous presence of the parties, through the exclusive use of one or more remote media;
“Coupon”, that code that allows the Customer to benefit from the online lesson for free or that is used in the case of the purchase of lesson packages;
“Producer”, the legal person Live on Stage Srl (in short also Live) which provides the service, identifying it with the LiSA brand or other distinctive sign;
“Teacher”, any natural or legal person who acts within the framework of his commercial, industrial, craft or professional activity, putting in place an act of sale of the profession carried out and / or relating to the same;
“Service”, the lessons booked by the Customer delivered by the Teacher in online mode. The provision of the Service requires a minimum age by the Customer of 18 years and full legal capacity or requires that the Customer who has purchased the Service for the benefit of a minor supervise and attend the lesson delivered by the Teacher;
“Site”, the Internet site www.lisa-hub.com, which is exclusive property of the Producer Live;
Prior to the online purchase of the Service (with contextual full payment obligation), the Customer is required to express, in point and click mode, his consent to these conditions of sale, which in this way are also accepted and approved in accordance with articles 1341 and 1342 c.c. where applicable, together with the disposals governing the procedures for accessing, browsing and using the Site, these general conditions are in any case permanently accessible in the lower bar of the homepage of the Site;
The Customer expressly authorizes Live to use his e-mail address in relation to the activities relating to the Contract and to any sending of information on the online lesson services covered by this Contract;
These general conditions may undergo changes and / or updates at any time by Live, which will communicate them through the normal communication channels on the Site.
The Customer is however invited to carefully examine the general conditions before placing an order on the Site.
The foregoing premises form an integral part of these General Conditions.

Art.1 Object of the Contract

This Agreement relates to the supply by the Producer Live to the Customer of online personal lessons.
After the purchase of the Service – in the manner indicated on the Site – and after the payment amount has been credited, the Customer will receive the link for the delivery of the online lesson at the indicated e-mail address.
Regarding the lessons concerning Body Care, the Customer is aware that physical activity involves risks. It is therefore the exclusive responsibility of the Customer to check with their trusted doctor their suitability for the use of training lessons.
By choosing to use the Site Services, the Customer relieves Live from any liability arising from their use.

Art.2 Pre-contractual information

The Customer declares to have read, prior to the online purchase of the Service, all the information accessible on the Site and from which the main features of the Service, the identity of the Producer, the price and the payment methods are evident.
All prices indicated on the Site for the purchase of the Services are in euros including VAT.

Art.3 Conclusion of the Contract

Pursuant to and for the effects of art. 1326 of the Italian Civil Code, this Distance Contract is considered completed when Live (and for it the operators responsible for receiving data and communications relating to the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship) has knowledge of the Customer’s acceptance of the offer, manifested with the online booking for the chosen discipline.
After completing the booking and full payment procedure of the online lesson by Paypal or credit card, the Customer receives the link necessary for the delivery of the online lesson by email.
The Services are also available through free Coupons that will be provided to the customer by the Producer in the case of a first 30-minute free lesson or other specific initiatives for customers connected to some corporate. If for any reason, the Customer can no longer benefit of the free Service and / or Live suspend it, postpone or cancel, if already validated, it will not be possible to proceed with the monetary refund of the Coupon itself.
The lessons booked and not canceled within 24 hours from the scheduled start time of the lesson – by means of a specific written communication to be sent to Live by email at the address [email protected] – will be charged. The customer can subscribe a paid last minute insurance in order to benefit from the possibility of postpone the lesson even less than 24 hours from the starting time and in any case no later than 2 hours from the beginning of the lesson itself.
In the case of purchase of lesson packages, the cancellation of each single lesson will follow the provisions of the preceding paragraph. The total cancellation of all lessons provided by the purchased package can only take place if the Customer sends an email to the address [email protected] at least 24 hours before the beginning of the first lesson.

Art.4 Protection of copyright

The Customer acknowledges Live’s exclusive ownership of all parts of the Site, such as, for example, but not limited to, the logos, images, texts, classes contents and any material or content that was made available during the lessons: it follows, in application of the Law 22.04.1941 n ° 633 (Copyright Law), the absolute prohibition of commercial use by third parties, of total or partial reproduction, of re-elaboration and transmission in any form and in any way, unless prior written authorization from Live.
It is forbidden to copy, distribute, publish or otherwise use or exploit what is provided by online lessons without Live’s prior written consent.
The Customer, responsible for the preservation and secrecy of the link for using the online lesson and holder (due to the booking of the online lesson) of a personal right that cannot be transferred to third parties, thus undertakes not to let third parties use and / or view the services in any way, refraining from carrying out any act that damages Live’s exclusive and proprietary rights; as well as indemnifying and keeping undamaged the Producer from any claim resulting from the use and / or abuse of third parties.
In case of violation of the prescribed obligations, the Contract will be considered terminated by right and Live will be free to take legal action to protect any unfulfilled right, including compensation for damages suffered.
In addition, if a security or unauthorized use problem is considered existing or highly probable, Live may suspend the provision of the Services to the Customer.

Art.5 Provision of the Service

The Customer declares to be aware of and to accept the hardware and software prerequisites necessary to be able to access the online lessons purchased.
The website www.lisa-hub.com has been designed to offer customers, teachers and all possible users maximum compatibility with the most common systems available. Tests were carried out on all the most popular platforms (Mac OS, Windows, Linux) and on the main browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari).
The required hardware and software requirements are minimal and are generally satisfied on a normal standard system for domestic use. In order to make the best use of the multimedia content and online tutoring services, it is necessary to:
have a connection to the Internet. For optimal use, an ADSL connection is recommended;
having installed on your machine one of the main browsers available, regularly updated.
Live will have the right to interrupt the provision of the Services purchased by the Customer, immediately notifying the Customer if:
there were justified reasons to believe that security and / or protection of privacy rights could occur;
there is a need-opportunity to improve the online booking procedures for lessons, increasing their efficiency.
The aforementioned communication costs cannot be considered to exist in cases, alternatively considered, of force majeure, necessity or urgency.
The Customer is aware of and accepts that the lessons will be carried out through the Zoom platform, undertaking to respect the terms and conditions to which reference should be made for anything not expressly regulated here.

Art.6 Data security and confidentiality

The Customer guarantees to legitimately dispose of all the information entered on the Site for the purpose of purchasing the online lesson, also ensuring that it does not in any way directly or indirectly violate the right of third parties. Therefore, the Customer undertakes not to enter data which he cannot freely dispose of.
It is also forbidden for the Customer to enter false and / or fantasy data in the online lesson booking procedure and in subsequent further communications related to the execution of the Contract.
Customer indemnifies Live:
from any liability resulting from the issue of incorrect data and documents, the Customer being solely responsible for the correct insertion;
from any obligation and / or burden of assessment and direct and indirect control in this regard.
If Live or third party reporting proves the falsity of the data provided, Live reserves the right to prevent / suspend the delivery of online lessons to the Customer.

Art.7 Responsibilities and obligations

The Customer is obliged to personally and individually use the online lessons service purchased for which it is forbidden to purchase the Service for the purpose of resale to third parties. The only exception is reserved for the Customer who purchases the Service for the benefit of a minor with the obligation to supervise and attend the lesson delivered by the Teacher. He therefore undertakes to act in good faith and in particular to:
do not transfer the product to third parties;
carry out the visualization of the lessons and related exercises personally and not in the presence of third parties.
Any behavior contrary to good faith by the Customer, as well as the violation of the aforementioned obligations and prohibitions, the list of which is to be considered non-exhaustive, cannot in any way be considered tolerated by Live as it is capable of compromising its image, honor and dignity, founding the exclusive responsibility of the Customer and Live’s right to interrupt the supply of the Service and, if necessary, to apply to the Authority, as well as request compensation for damage.
The Customer, therefore, relieves Live from any liability in the event of complaints, legal actions, governmental or administrative actions, losses or damages resulting from the use of the Services offered by Live contrary to good faith and / or illegal by the Customer, of third parties connected to it or third parties in general.
Except in cases of willful misconduct or serious negligence of Live, the Customer expressly exonerates Live from any liability for direct and indirect damages that the Customer himself or third parties may suffer in connection with or in dependence on the provision of the online lessons Service, or for effect of the interruption of operation:
that the Customer may in some way accuse for the failure to provide connectivity by the operator of its own telecommunication network, or also for the Customer’s use of connectivity (not high speed) technically incompatible with the Service , as well as for the non-use of the online lesson as a result of defects found by the Customer in the use of the same, if all this was due to the lack of possession of the minimum system requirements referred to in Art. 6, whose verification is the responsibility of the Customer;
caused by third parties who illegally accessed the online lesson, due to the lack of caution by the Customer in the custody of the link to access the lesson attributed to him, or due to the absence of other security measures that the Customer is required to adopt.
In no case Live will be held responsible:
the malfunction of the Service resulting from failures, overloads, interruptions of the telephone lines, electricity or referring to the Internet network not attributable to him;
for failures of third parties that affect the use of the Service, including, by way of example, the slowdowns in speed or the failure of the telephone lines and computers that manage the telematic traffic between the Customer and the video lessons platform from which the Service is provided ;
malfunction of the Zoom or other platform used for lessons;
for any fraudulent and / or undue use of credit cards by the Customer.
It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to ensure interoperability between the connectivity, with which it is equipped, and the platform from which the Service is provided.
Furthermore, the Producer cannot be held responsible for breaches of its obligations resulting from causes that cannot be reasonably foreseen, from impediments beyond the sphere of its direct and immediate control, or from causes of force majeure. Upon the occurrence of one of the aforementioned events of force majeure, Live will inform the Customer via the Site, together with the prospects for regular reactivation of the Service.
The parties will agree in good faith the method for the recovery of the online lesson purchased by the Customer not delivered by the Teacher (in whole or in part).
The Customer undertakes to keep Live undamaged from all losses, damages, responsibilities, costs, charges and expenses (also legal) that may be incurred by the Producer as a consequence of any failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the Customer by signing of this Agreement and in any case connected to the entry of information on the Site; all this, even in the event of claims for damages made by third parties for any reason.
Finally, the Customer agrees to release Live from any liability in the event of complaints, legal actions, government or administrative actions, losses or damages resulting from the illegal use of the Service by the Customer or third parties.
It should be noted that Live does not provide any advice regarding the training needs of the Customers. Live cannot also be held responsible for online lessons mistakenly purchased by the Customer.
It is understood that all activities covered by the Service are carried out at the risk of the Customer, since no responsibility can be attributed to Live and / or its assignees.
Finally, the Customer cannot transfer any obligation or right originating from this Contract to third parties, in the absence of prior written authorization, released at the discretion of the Producer and communicated by the same by registered return letter or to the email address [email protected] .

Art.8 Conditions of withdrawal

The Customer knowingly and expressly agrees to lose any right of withdrawal from this Distance Contract, applying the exceptions to the right of withdrawal referred to in Art. 59, c.1 lett. a) and o) of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n.206 (Consumer Code).
In fact, with the purchase of online lessons, the Customer consents to the delivery of online lessons through a non-material support, with the express agreement and with the acceptance of the fact that this circumstance precludes any right of withdrawal.
In addition, the Customer agrees to lose his right of withdrawal from this Service, as made completely accessible and usable to the Customer by sending the link of the video conference via the Zoom platform of the credentials for accessing the online lesson. The Customer can cancel the lesson at no cost in the case provided for by Art. 3 above.

Art.9 Contract resolution

All the obligations previously assumed by the Customer, as well as the guarantee of the successful payment guaranteed by the same, are essential and relevant, so that the Customer’s failure to comply with only one of them will determine the immediate resolution of the contract law.

Art.10 Information and consent to the processing of personal data pursuant to GDPR 679/16

In compliance with the GDPR, Live on Stage s.r.l. undertakes to process all personal data acquired in connection with the contract in accordance with the privacy law. In this regard, specific information is offered, for the purposes of consent in the PRIVACY section of the Site.
The customer can exercise the rights referred to in the Privacy Code by sending an email to [email protected].

Art.11 Jurisdiction

For any dispute resulting from the Contract or related to it, the following will be competent:
a) the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer pursuant to the current Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n.206 (Consumer Code);
b) exclusively the Court of Milan, in any other case.
Art.12 Final clauses
The obligations and commitments deriving from this Contract, which by their nature explain efficacy even after the expiry, termination or withdrawal (allowed only within the limits set out in Art. 9 of this Contract) from the Contract, will remain valid and effective also after that date, until their satisfaction.