Digital Photography - Basic

One-to-one Lesson
From € 42

At the beginning of the course, we will try to get to know fully all the features of the Reflex cameras (photographic formats, manual settings, light exposure meter, etc.), also through the use of new technologies related to the smartphone, and then arrive to one of the fundamental topic of the basics of photographic technique: the correct use of composition and framing rules. Furthermore, participants will be provided with an overview of the types and characteristics of lenses that are now on the market by analyzing their characteristics and main uses in the individual genres (sport, landscaping, macro, reportage and artistic photography). The course will give great importance to the use of manual settings of the camera and especially to the correct use of the light exposure meter, a tool capable of allowing us to dominate fully every situation of critical light and capable of giving us a unique style choice for our photographs (through the use of diaphragms and snapshot timing). The Basic Course of Photography last lessons will be instead dedicated to the comprehension of the first fundamentals of Post-Production Photography (©Photoshop e ©Adobe Camera Raw). The course is targeted at whoever wants to learn or improve their photography technique basics. Whether you are at the beginning of your photography learning path, or you have previous self-taught knowledge, our course will start completely by zero, building up the fundamentals to develop a great technical and creative knowledge of Photography through theory and practice lessons combined with a constant review of the material photographed by the participants during the duration of the course. Therefore, to be able to participate in the Basic Course of Photography it is not necessary to have previous knowledge. During the duration of the course thematic booklets regarding all the topics covered, readings to examine in depth the themes, bibliography and specific comparisons related to the student’s individual necessities will be delivered to the students

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