Giulio Benvenuti

Actor, dancer and singer, he began his performing career at the age of 16 and after his graduation at the Golden Actors Academy in Rome, he deepens his choreographic vision by working and studing all over the world exploring different styles (from the Gaga Tecquine with Ohad Naharin, to the Broadway and Fosse Style with Andrè Dela Roche).
Parallel to his career on stage, he collaborates
with Laura Ruocco in the organization of national and international events and shows, he’s part of the teaching staff of the Academy of Musical of Castrocaro directed by Fabiola Ricci (his coach in triple threat perfoming for years), and since 2015 he’s working with the Hollywood actor coach Bernard Hiller.
During those years he takes care of the choreographies of several music videos, and of the film “Le musk”, directed by the Oscar winner A.R. Rahaman.
He also wrote and directed the new jukeboxmusical “Le Adorabili Scanzonette”. His highlights on stage counts: “Rocky Horror Experience” (Riff Raff, National tour), “The Wedding Singer” (George, first Italian cast) and “ Best of Musical” (Ensamble, Stage Entertainment) “Mimì is a owl” (ensamble,dance capitan, Ravenna Festival), Footloose (Willard, Stage Entertainment),
Grease (Tom, cover Danny, Compagnia della Rancia), Robin Hood (Little John, National tour), Kinky Boots (Angel, dance capitan, Teatro Nuovo), A Chorus Line (Greg, Stage Entertainment), The theaming of the shrew (Hortensio, Globe Theater), Once (Billy, Compagnia della Rancia).

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