Marco Parenti

Marco Parenti attended the professional drum course at CPM (Centro Professione Musica) in Milan, held by Walter Calloni, obtaining his diploma in 2001. His musical career led him to play in different contexts.
For the theater, with Paolo Rossi, it is been on tour with the shows “Il signor Rossi e la Costituzione” and “Chiamatemi Kowalski, il ritorno”.
As for the musical, he played in the shows “High School Musical”, “Cats”, “Happy Days”, “Sister Act”, “Saturday Night Fever”, “Best of Musical”, “The Blues Legend”, “Footloose”, “Newsies”, “Green Day’s American Idiot” and “We Will Rock You”.
He has also played in a lot of television broadcasts: Che tempo che fa (Rai 3), Markette (La7), Concerto del Primo Maggio in Rome (Rai 3), The Voice Of Italy (Rai 2).
Over the years he has performed in many concerts and festivals both in Italy and abroad, on tour with various artists including: Sister Cristina, Linda, Paola Donzella, Jesse Ritch.

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